43.6 F
West Bend

SC Wave Washington County Academy Open House is July 8 at Ackerman’s Grove County Park

Washington Co., WI – The SC Wave Washington County Academy Open House will be Wednesday,  July 8, 2020 at Ackerman’s Grove County Park, 4875 Highway Z, West Bend. The goal is to build teams in the U7, U8, U9 and U10 age groups.

All players will be placed on a team. Any interested players should come to this open  house (no previous soccer experience is necessary).



U7 and U8 (Birth years 2013 and 2014): Check in at 5 p.m., open play from 5:30 p.m. – 6:30 p.m.  Players get a chance to see what an Academy practice is like, and meet the coaches  and other players.

Teams are formed in the weeks following the Open House.

U9 and U10 (Birth Years 2011 and 2012): Check in at 6 p.m., player evaluations from  6:30 p.m. – 7:45 p.m. All players will be placed on a team best suited to their experience and ability.

Current academy coaches will be in attendance to watch and evaluate kids.  Teams are formed in the weeks following the Open House.

While the kids are playing, club representatives will meet with the parents to provide information about Academy teams such as time commitment, travel, practices, tournaments, leagues, winter futsal training, etc.

All players should come wearing cleats and shin guards and should bring a soccer ball and water bottle.

Registration prior to the open house is strongly encouraged.

Visit our website for more information.

Find us on Facebook  and Instagram​ @sc_wave_washington_county

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