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West Bend

VIDEO | Counting down to Saturday, Nov. 6 opening of Cheese Wedge Uncorked in West Bend, WI

November 5, 2021 – West Bend, WI – There was only marginal scurrying around today as Jessica Youso prepped to open her new store Cheese Wedge Uncorked 53095 on Saturday, November 6, 2021.

The new Cheese Wedge Uncorked, will have hundreds of varieties of cheese ‘wedges’ in store.  “There’s cheese for everyone,” said Youso. “The uncorked is to let people know they can enjoy wine and cheese in our store. Uncorked equals opened.”

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The Wedge 53095 uncorked in West Bend will open in the building formerly home to Rose Marie’s Hair Designer, 408 S. Main Street. Some neighbors may remember the location on the corner of Main and Chestnut as home to the old Morning Glory Coffee & Conversation.

One of the unique offerings at The Cheese Wedge Uncorked will be the Zamboozy; an adult slushie freezer for beer and wine and whatnot.

Youso explained the circle around the uncorked in the graphic is the edge of a wine bottle.

Saturday, wine

The new Cheese Wedge Uncorked will be open 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.  Click HERE for more details on the grand opening.

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