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Sarah’s Crusade for Corey – over 200+ miles on the Ice Age Trail | By Abel Krebs

June 9, 2023 – Jackson, Wi – My mom, Sarah Krebs, is on the adventure of a lifetime, running 1,150 miles on the Ice Age Trail in Wisconsin in honor of her friend Corey who died of pancreatic cancer.

Day 5 – My mom ended up with a hurting shin at the end. So today, she had no choice but to walk 31.18 miles.

She ate a cheeseburger, 4 power balls from Robert, 3 bananas, watermelon gummies, half of a bagel & donut, and pizza Pringles.

Her attitude was really good today even though her shin was hurting. Her shin will hopefully be better tomorrow.

On Tuesday, my mom started running at 7:40 a.m. She had a banana, a cheeseburger from Dylans Dairy, and a lot of candy.

She was in a really good mood, she said after one segment, “I was attacked by a veloceraptor.” She was referring to a grouse. Overall she ran 48.5 miles.

She had a great day. She hopefully will do as good of a job she did today, tomorrow.


My name is Abel and I’m reporting on her progress.

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My mom started today around 6:40 a.m. She ran 49.5 miles today. She had another pb&j, some cucumbers, and pizza Pringles for lunch.

My dad, Ben Krebs, shaved his big beard off in the afternoon. My mom’s face was priceless.

She was going strong, but she was getting tired.


 Click HERE to read more about Sarah’s Crusade for Corey

She ended today at the start of The Tuscobia segment.

We hope she can go through another safe and successful run again tomorrow.

About the author: Abel Krebs, soon to be 13, is the son of ultra-runner Sarah Krebs. Abel is a student at Morning Star Lutheran. He is part of the support team for Sarah’s Crusade for Corey for the 21-day adventure and he’s filing updates from the road.

Stay tuned as we keep you posted when Sarah will be running the Ice Age Trail through Hartford, Slinger, Kewaskum and West Bend, Wi.

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