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The man who helped capture Saddam Hussein is coming to Richfield on June 27, 2021

Richfield, Wi – The man who helped gather intelligence which led to the capture of Saddam Hussein will be coming to Richfield later this month as a guest speaker for the Wisconsin Veteran’s Museum “Convoy Speaker Series.”

Eric Maddox Hussein

In 2003, research by SSG Eric Maddox led to the capture of Saddam Hussein, the Ace of Spades in the infamous Deck of Cards.

Maddox conducted over 200 interrogations and his techniques shaped the future intelligence collection tactics for the military with his “empathy based listening” approach.

During the Sunday, June 27, 2021 Convoy Speaker Series fundraiser, Maddox will be available for a VIP book signing and he will be the keynote speaker.

Tickets are still available and if you can’t make it there is a $5 virtual option.

Click HERE for tickets and more information.

This event was made possible by the Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 11038, in partnership with Washington County, the Village of RichfieldCamp Hometown Heroes and the Fisher House Wisconsin.

All proceeds benefit programs and exhibits at the Wisconsin Veterans Museum.

Photo courtesy WI Veterans Museum Foundation


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