45.4 F
West Bend

S.A.M.B.A fundriser is March 23 at Slinger High School PAC | By Ron Naab

March 8, 2019 – Slinger, WI – The Slinger Area Music Booster Association (S.A.M.B.A.) will hold its annual fundraiser in the new Slinger Performing Arts Center.  The event is March 23 from 6 p.m. to 10 p.m.  There will be five-star entertainment including Slinger High School drum line, jazz band, the middle school select choir, and high school choirs.


Slinger Soiree

There will also be a special performance by Hannah Mrozak, a Slinger alum who performed on The Voice.  The featured performance will be the nationally touring Dueling Pianos show from Milwaukee, WI – TOP Dueling Pianos!

Your ticket to the event also includes a specialty nonalcoholic drink from Milwaukee’s Concoctions Drink Deliciously company, delectably delicious desserts, and light appetizers.  The first 500 tickets sold will also receive a commemorative “Slinger Soiree” stem less wine glass.

There will be silent auctions, raffles, a wine pull, and live auction.  Prizes include Billy Joel Tickets, Brewer tickets, Slinger Owl Fire pit, top of the line beverage and wine fridge, dinner for 8 and drinks at West Bend’s Tap and Tavern, and many more amazing prizes!

Click HERE to order tickets.

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