February 20, 2025 – West Bend, Wi – Over the past few weeks preparations were being made to level the former Madden Law Firm/Valley Bank on STH 33 and Valley Avenue in West Bend, Wi. On Wednesday the demolition got underway.
West Bend, Wi – West Bend, Wi, will lose a little more of its history as Russ Darrow plans to knock down the old Madden Law Firm/Valley Bank/M&I Bank building and add more space for its auto lot at 325 Valley Avenue.
The total parcel area is 78,247 square feet.
The West Bend Plan Commission meets Tuesday, December 3, 2024, in the council chambers at City Hall, 1115 S. Main Street. The meeting begins at 6 p.m. and is open to the public.
On a history note: It was June 2011 when the M&I Bank on Valley Avenue was robbed by a guy on a bicycle. The man, later identified as Russel Smith, 50, had just been released from prison on another robbery conviction when he robbed the bank and then pedaled up the road, through the subdivision and was found hiding in the area of Ridge Run Park.
Also historically speaking: Valley Avenue was initially named Shady Side Lane. Former West Bend City Engineer Ken Pesch picks up the story.
“In your recent story about the city renaming streets, Valley Avenue did indeed get its current name when the Valley Bank Corporation bought the lot along the east side of Valley Avenue immediately south of Washington Street.
“When they purchased that property, in 1988, Valley Avenue was called Shady Side Lane.
“The bank requested the name change because they did not want their facility to be known as their Shady Side branch.
“I was the city engineer when the request for the name change was received at City Hall and I chuckled when I heard the reason for the request.
“The property was subdivided by Dave and Audrey Bohn so you can ask them why they chose the name Shady Side Lane when they prepared the plat for the area.” Ken Pesch.
The land was annexed into the city in 1987. In April of 1988 the Plan Commission approved a site plan for a bank use and renovated in 1999. In 2014 the building was remodeled again into general office space. The property was purchased by MWD West Bend II, LLC in 2024 and the owner would like to redevelop this site as an additional auto sales lot associated with the two existing automobile dealerships.