29 F
West Bend

Rue21 is closing in West Bend


April 14, 2017 – West Bend, WI – Rue21 is closing its store in West Bend. The retailer, 1331 W. Paradise Drive, is the third corporate store in the strip mall east of Wal-Mart to announce its closing.


In February, WashingtonCountyInsider.com was first to report MC Sports was closing  and at the end of December 2016 the Insider first announced Pier 1 was closing on Paradise Drive.


Rue21 first opened in West Bend in June 2014. It specializes in clothes for teens and young adults.

There are currently sales, 20% to 40% off the entire store.











Management at the store did not have any insight on why the store was closing. A record search shows the corporation may have some financial concerns and could be restructuring.


Rue21 is based in Pennsylvania and has more than 1,000 stores in 48 states.


Early word, the store closing in West Bend should take about 8 weeks.



  1. Are stores leaving in fear of Meijer? Hey, we’ll take them over on the north side of town, even out on Hwy. 45! Seems corporate America thinks Washington St has been abandoned by shoppers. All we get are car dealerships. We need to keep our downtown active as well and support all our stores in West Bend.

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