53.7 F
West Bend

Road construction on Rusco Drive – Main Street to River Road begins June 19, 2023

West Bend, WI – Rusco Drive on the south side of West Bend, Wi will be closed for road reconstruction between Main Street and River Road beginning Monday, June 19, 2023, until late July 2023.


Progress of construction is weather dependent and will determine the exact timing of the road closure. A detour route will be in place to direct traffic around and south of the construction project, using Main Street, CTH NN, and River Road.

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Construction activities include roadway excavation, some road base reconstruction, pavement of the road and shoulders, and restoration of disturbed areas.

The city was granted federal funding for this reconstruction through a program of the Wisconsin Department of Transportation (WisDOT).

Motorists are reminded to abide by all traffic control signs and devices, as well as to be aware of ongoing construction activities. Alternate routes should be planned to avoid construction whenever possible.

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