34.8 F
West Bend

Rita and Dale Zarling loving their life at Cedar Community | By Carrie Sturn

West Bend, WI – Dale Zarling was born in Milwaukee, the older of two boys, and attended Germantown High School. His lovely bride, Rita, was born and raised on a dairy farm near Richfield. She attended St. Hubert’s Catholic grade school and graduated from Hartford Union High School. Rita has an older sister and brother and one younger brother.
Dale Rita Zarling
Photo courtesy: Cedar Community

Dale and Rita were married on October 11, 1980, after meeting at a mutual friend’s wedding two years earlier. Dale was one of the attendants in their friend’s wedding party and Rita was the organist. It was an instant attraction and soon after they started dating. They settled in Slinger after their marriage.

In the course of their marriage, the Zarlings have enjoyed traveling wherever their car would take them. For Rita’s first trip out of state, they drove to Nashville for their honeymoon. They have enjoyed road trips to Arizona, Florida, and Virginia many times. Their favorite travels are anywhere in Wisconsin, especially Door County, and the New Glarus area. Today, they can be found frequently riding through Cedar Community’s independent living neighborhoods in their golf cart.

Dale and Rita are also part of a local square dance group and have enjoyed it since they took lessons in 2000.  Rita even sewed their square dance outfits. Claim to fame—Rita’s uncle is Tony Radermacher, the leader of a local polka band.

CLICK HERE to read more about the Zarling’s.

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