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Rick Gundrum announces candidacy for 58th Assembly District


Nov. 16, 2017 – Washington Co., WI – On Thursday, Nov. 16, Washington County Board Chairman and Village of Slinger Trustee Rick Gundrum announced his intent to run as a Republican candidate for the 58th Assembly District.


Details on Gundrum’s political history and his intentions to run were forwarded in the following press release.


While Gundrum’s current leadership roles in the County are politically neutral positions, his established record of fiscal conservatism coupled with the commonsense reforms already implemented during his time representing the County, have reduced the scope of government, eased the property tax burden, and delivered real results.

The decision to enter the race wasn’t made overnight and it was only after the repeated urging of family, friends, area community leaders, and local business owners that he decided to formally signal his intent to run and begin collecting signatures.

“Residents of Washington County deserve to continue having a vocal advocate in Madison like former Representative Bob Gannon was. Someone who will put their needs first and continue the tradition of having strong, accountable, representation from the 58th District” said Gundrum.

Gundrum, having served on the County Board for nearly 12 years, made it his mission to continue the positive reforms started by former County Board Chairman Herb Tennies. The results of these efforts have yielded for taxpayers the fourth lowest tax rate among Wisconsin’s 72 counties.

Meaning, residents are currently enjoying the lowest levels of property taxes since the Reagan Administration.

When asked about the importance of the 58th District in the overall political landscape of Wisconsin, Gundrum remarked,

Governor Walker called for this special election because he undoubtedly realizes the importance of having allies in Madison from the ‘reddest county in the State’ who will continue to fight for taxpayers, just as he has. The stakes are too high and the opportunities for Washington County are too great to go backwards. Our residents deserve to continue to have the same type of responsive and effective leadership we’ve grown accustomed to and that is why I am calling on residents of our great County to choose me on Election Day”.


About Rick Gundrum

Rick is a 5th generation resident of Washington County with family roots dating back to 1845. In 2000, he started his own audio/video production business, McKay Enterprises. The business is headquartered in Slinger where he currently lives with his wife of 25 years, Lois. They are the proud parents of 2 adult children and 4 grandchildren. He is a graduate of Hartford Union High School, UW-Washington County, and UW-Oshkosh, where he earned his bachelor’s degree in TV/Film. Early in his career, he was a radio personality on FM 106, 93.3 and a morning show host on 92.5 WBWI. He belongs to St. Peter’s Catholic Church in Slinger and is a staunch pro-life advocate.

Paid for and authorized by (Richard P. Gundrum 58th Assembly District Rick Gundrum Treasurer )

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