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Richfield residential road construction projects move forward | By Jim Healy

September 20, 2022 – Richfield, WI – The Richfield Village’s Department of Public Works is currently coordinating with contractors for construction projects in two (2) of our residential subdivisions to be completed prior to the end of October.


The first is an approximately 250’ long stretch of road on Nob Hill Drive E that is slated for full-width pavement replacement.

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The second project is on Windemere Drive where the eastbound travel lane of the subdivision connects to Scenic Road. This area is approximately 125’ long.

These residential road projects are being funded because our expenditure for this year’s Highway Improvement Program came in under the $1.5 million budget amount. It was our commitment to the taxpayers back in 2018 that if the referendum were to pass, we would budget for $1.5 million worth of roadwork and spend that full amount to the best of our ability.

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