28.8 F
West Bend

Richfield Fire Department seeking volunteer firefighters | By Fire Chief Tony Burgard

Richfield, WI – The Richfield Volunteer Fire Company needs more staff, especially volunteers, to continue fulfilling its mission. The call volume has doubled over the
last 20 years, while membership has significantly decreased. The Richfield Fire Department needs your support to increase its staff.


The most important way you can help is to volunteer. The Richfield FD will pay for all training and pay hourly while on a call.

Members are trained through local technical colleges where they learn State certified skills,
ultimately resulting in State of Wisconsin certification for Fire or EMS classes. There are
many options available to specialize in with further training or more certification classes, such as vehicle extrication, rescue and recovery dive, hazardous materials, fire inspections, or one of many other specialties.

These are community members who have a passion to help others but may not have the ability to serve in an active fire or EMS role.

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Examples may include skills such as advertising, recruitment, accounting, business management, vehicle maintenance, etc.


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