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8 departments respond to Richfield house fire | By Sgt Alexander Herriges

May 24, 2022 – Richfield, WI –

On Tuesday May 24, 2022 at approximately 12:31 a.m. the Washington County Sheriff’s Office was notified of a residential fire in the 3400 block of North Shore Drive in the Village of Richfield.

The initial caller on scene reported the rear deck of the residence was on fire and that flames and smoke were visible. The first responding deputy reported that the fire had spread from the deck and into the rear of the residence.

Richfield Fire Department responded to the scene. They were also assisted by Allenton Fire Department, Slinger Fire Department, Hartford Fire Department, Jackson Fire Department, Lisbon Fire Department, and Germantown Fire Department. Ambulances were also requested from Lifestar Rescue and Menomonee Falls Fire Department. They were able to contain the fire to the initial residence. Nearby residences were evacuated.

Property loss management

There were no injuries to the property owners or any personnel on scene as a result of the fire. The residence was a single family and single story wood structure. The residence was believed to be a total loss. Preliminary damage estimates were believed to be around $400,000.

Traffic was prevented from entering North Shore Drive for the duration of the incident to allow safe access for fire personnel and apparatus.

The circumstances surrounding the fire did not appear to be suspicious in nature but the fire is still under investigation by the Washington County Sheriff’s Office and the Richfield Fire Department.

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