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Hartford Plan Commission to review land acquisition for second fire department

Hartford, WI – The Hartford Plan Commission will review a resolution during its meeting Monday, April 11, 2022 to split a property at 3420 CTH K. According to the agenda, “the purpose of the Certified Survey map is to create Lot 2 as the location of a second fire station for the Hartford Fire Department, and this lot will be owned by the City.”

Hartford Fire Department

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City administrator Steve Volker said ARPA funds will be used to purchase the land. “The location is the best position for the quickest response time,” said Volkert. “The building is in the 5-year plan.” The parcel purchase is targeted for May.


The location of the parcel is on the southeast end of Hartford on 4.5 acres.

The Hartford Plan Commission meeting at 5:30 p.m. is held in the council chambers at City Hall. It is open to the public. Click HERE to look at the full agenda.

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