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Rev. Carlos from St. Frances Cabrini Parish is reassigned by Milwaukee Archdiocese

February 21, 2022 – West Bend, WI – During Sunday Mass at St. Frances Cabrini Rev. Carlos addressed the congregation announcing he was being reassigned by the Milwaukee Archdiocese.

Rev Carlos

Rev. Carlos has been with the combined parishes of St. Frances Cabrini and St. Mary’s since arriving in June 2020.

Rev. Carlos

Below is a note regarding the announcement Rev. Carlos is being reassigned.

Dear Parish Communities at Saint Frances Cabrini and Saint Mary’s,

Praise be Jesus Christ!
Trusting in the Lord’s providence, I would like to share with all of you that, in recent days, I received confirmation that this winter/spring I will be assigned to a new parish(es) in the Archdiocese of Milwaukee to continue my ministry as an associate pastor there this June.

I am grateful to the Lord for these almost two years of service at saint Mary’s and Saint Frances Cabrini parishes. I am most grateful to all of you, to our pastor Father Nathan and to every member of our parishes and school staffs for theirs and your witness to the Faith, great generosity and for the many ways in which you have shaped my priestly heart.

I look forward to serving our parishes until the time comes for me to continue exercising priestly ministry at my new parish assignment this June. As of today, I am unaware of where this new assignment will be, however, I will surely share the news with you when I learn it.

I ask that you please keep in your prayers hare the news with you when I learn it.

I ask that you please keep in your prayers all priests, especially our Pastor and the new priest that will be assigned to our parishes to being as the next associate pastor this June.

May God bless you abundantly!

With a most grateful heart,
Fr. Carlos

As of today, Rev. Carlos does not know where his new parish assignment will be and the congregation at St. France Cabrini and St. Mary’s has yet to learn who the new shared associate pastor will be.

Stay tuned and thank you to Rev. Carlos for his service to the community.

Photos courtesy St. Frances Cabrini Parish



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