31.3 F
West Bend

West Bend Director of Development Mark Piotrowicz eyeing retirement in January 2024

West Bend, WI – Over 37 years ago a young man from New Berlin, WI, who graduated UW-Milwaukee, was working for a private geotechnical firm and looking for something with a little less travel. “I looked for a municipal engineering firm where I could use my skill set,” said West Bend’s Director of Development Mark Piotrowicz. He found a career that landed him in West Bend, Wisconsin.



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Piotrowicz was hired by then city engineer Ken Pesch; at the time Don Gonring was mayor of West Bend.

Piotrowicz went on to serve as the assistant to the Director of Development, and eventually, became the Director of Development in 2016, succeeding John Capelle.

Without pinpointing any one accomplishment over his years of service Piotrowicz said, “I’ve enjoyed working with basically the redevelopment of the core of the city. We spent a lot of time on the Tax Incremental Districts downtown, the redevelopment of the West Bend company site, the old quarter-long Wisconsin Street, and the site formerly home to the Gehl Company.”

Water Street TIF Gehl Co

Piotrowicz said flipping former factories and places of industry into apartment and condominium complexes is “part of the national trend” and “not specific to West Bend.”


trails edge

“Where MOWA is and Auxiliary Court, this is all during my time here in West Bend,” said Piotrowicz, naming a few accomplishments before his retirement.

“It’s time to go out and do some other things with my wife and a little traveling, do a little bit of some volunteer work. It’s time to move on,” said Piotrowicz.

“I enjoyed working for this community. If I hadn’t, I wouldn’t have stayed.”

Piotrowicz’s last day will be January 8, 2024.

United Way

Photo of Mark Piotrowicz courtesy City of West Bend taxpayers.


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