Jan. 9, 2018 – Kohlsville, WI – The weather was a bit warmers as Washington County emerged from a deep freeze on Sunday and hundreds of people came out for the annual Kohlsville Kruisers Snowmobile Club Fisheree and Brat Fry.

There were about 15 fishermen on the pond in Kohlsville, testing their luck along with their waxworms.
Scott Doll took first and second place with a couple of small perch – one measured 12 3/4″ and the other came in at 10 1/2″. Third place went to Jay Gindt with a 9 3/4″ perch.

Coming up Saturday, Jan. 13 it’s the Nabob Prairie Riders Snowmobile Club 19th annual Winterfest and Fisheree on Big Cedar Lake.