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Rep. Gundrum (R-Slinger) votes in favor of quality child care

Slinger, Wi – Representative Rick Gundrum (R-Slinger) voted in favor of investing in quality child care. After passage of the package of bills, he released the following statement:


“It has been shown over the years that the current child care system is unsustainable. Governor Evers’ proposal to replace federal COVID dollars with $360 million in state tax money is only a temporary band aid and does not get to the root of the problem. Our child care providers are struggling with low wages, extensive work hours, and a difficult work environment.

“My Republican colleagues and I have continually supported families and child care providers. We are committed to making child care more affordable for families, increasing capacity at child care centers, as well as creating a viable workforce for the child care industry.

“Wisconsin spends $960 million on child care, which includes millions of dollars in new resources within the current state budget. Additionally, Republicans allocated $27 million to increase eligibility for the Wisconsin Shares program up to 200% of the federal poverty limit.

“One of the bills included in the child care package that passed today is Assembly Bill 388, which invests $15 million to establish a revolving loan fund for child care providers to help expand capacity at their facilities. Through establishing a revolving loan fund, this allows the loans to be paid back so that more facilities may use the money in the future.

“These bills will not only help our struggling child care industry but also help our workforce problem. Our parents will be better able to return to work and boost economic activity in Wisconsin, if these bills become law.”

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