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West Bend

Renovations ahead for Germantown Health Center

May 25, 2017 – Germantown, WI – Froedtert & the Medical College of Wisconsin is preparing to remodel more than just the West Bend Health Center as the Germantown Health Center, W168 N11237 Western Ave., Germantown, will also be renovated.

“To better meet the needs of our patients and accommodate future growth,” said Tim Olsen, manager of public relations.

Changes in Germantown include the addition of eight primary care rooms, along with four specialty rooms and a procedure room.

Olsen said there will be no addition to the footprint as existing space will be used. The facility will also be open during the remodel.

“The renovations support more efficient workflows and room use, and increase coordination of care for patients,” Olsen said.

“The renovations also include site improvements to plumbing, heating/cooling, electrical, and security systems.”

Olsen said renovations to the Germantown Health Center will be complete in late fall.

On May 10, Olsen confirmed the remodel of West Bend Health Center, 1700 W. Paradise Drive. That facility was built in 1990.

The plan includes the relocation of the West Bend Surgery Center to the St. Joseph’s Hospital campus. The current health center, according to Olsen, will remain open to serve patients while the construction is underway.  A new West Bend Health Center is expected to begin in summer 2018.

Photos courtesy Germantown Health Center and Froedtert & Medical College of Wisconsin

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