41.3 F
West Bend

Remembering a special military funeral | By James Maersch

April 13, 2020 – Washington Co., WI – After participating in way over a thousand military funerals, this one will always be remembered.
Flag folding
As a member of the West Bend Veterans Honor Guard, we were asked to participate in a military funeral at the Washington County Memorial Park.
     My friend Charles and I were assigned to the  flag folding detail.
After the rifle team fired its three-round volley and taps was played, Charles and I approached the flag-covered casket.  Rendering a final salute, we proceeded to slowly lift the flag, holding it over the casket to form the traditional “tabletop.”
     Then taking the required steps we proceeded to the area to fold the flag.
     Things were going well until I began the fifth fold and realized there was a little boy standing right next to me.  He must have been about five years old.
     I immediately stopped folding and bent down and asked the little boy if this was his grandpa, to which he replied, “Yes.”
I could  see in the corner of my eye his father approaching and held up my arm to wave him away and turning to the boy I asked, “Would you like to help us fold this flag?”
     The boy nodded his head.
     Together the three of us proceeded to fold the flag that was to be presented to the boy’s grandmother.
     After the service I thanked that little boy and gave him some shotgun shells as a remembrance.
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