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West Bend

Reflecting on the 2017 March for Life. By Max Rettler

Feb. 15, 2017 – West Bend, WI – On January 25, there were 22 pilgrims (including myself) who flew to Washington D.C. to participate in the 2017 March for Life.

The March is a peaceful protest promoting life and asking respect to all life; from womb to the tomb.

I was fortunate enough to attend last year, but due to the weather conditions it was not very well attended. This year was much different…

A new addition this year to our trip was attending the Vigil Mass for Life which is held at the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception which is the largest church in the United States.

About 20,000 pilgrims were in attendance at the Mass.

It was a great sight to see so many Cardinals, Bishops, Priest Deacons, Seminarians, Consecrated Religious and Lay Faithful.

It gave me great hope in the future of the church seeing so many young clerics and religious sisters. The youth of the church have a contagious energy that radiates through.

The March itself was another highlight. We were all in shock as Vice President Mike Pence walked onto the stage to deliver his pro-life message. It was the first time any Vice President has attended.


The March was lively and filled with energy. Unfortunately I did not have time to count all of the marchers, but my guess would be about 600,000 people were there. Songs and chants often broke out during the March; many of which were instigated by the West Bend Delegation.

The March truly was a great experience, and I encourage everyone to attend.

Hopefully though it will not be the March for Life, but rather the March of Life! To those who supported us financially and spiritually, I cannot thank you enough. Trips like these, to help spread the Good News of the Gospel, could not be done without your support.


Thank You! Max Rettler

Courtesy Holy Angels Parish.

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