28.6 F
West Bend

Jobs, jobs, jobs West Bend’s Homestead Realty is looking for realtors to join the Team

West Bend, WI – Help wanted. Homestead Realty is looking for Real Estate agents to join Wendy Wendorf’s team.

If you are just thinking about becoming a real estate agent or making a change, give Wendy Wendorf a call. Becoming a realtor is relatively simple, you just have to go through a 72-hour WRA training class.

Homestead Realty/Wendy Wendorf offers a discount on the class. Teams are a great option for both new agents as well as seasoned agents.

You will be mentored, you will be trained, you will be supplied leads. It’s really fast track to success as a realtor.

Many newer Realtors fail in this business because they aren’t offered support. Homestead Realty and Wendy Wendorf offer all of this and more.

  • 100% support, that’s important to Wendy and the whole team at Homestead Realty.
  • If you have a sales background, great spear. Solo agents do well at Homestead Realty. Part time or full time, Homestead would like you to join the team.
  • The best pay in the area for realtors.

Studies show clients follow the Realtor not the Real Estate company. So, if you are looking to make a switch that is something Wendy Wendorf can help with marketing to ensure your clients move with you.

If you are thinking about becoming a realtor or would like more information on commission or moving over to Homestead Realty, downtown West Bend. Now is the time! Give Wendy Wendorf a call 262-716-6688

Or stop down to the office 120 N. Main St No. 370 West Bend, WI.



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