48.8 F
West Bend

REAL ESTATE | Signage in place for new office of Retirement Understood

Jackson, Wi -Randy Haeuser and his team at Retirement Understood have been spending the past few weeks moving into their new office space, 4466 Hwy P, Suite 107, Jackson, WI. Aside from a new furniture layout and classroom space the team proudly added its name and signature to the front door.


Ashley and Donna had fun putting the door sign on.

Retirement Understood is a locally owned company that helps navigate Social Security planning, the ins and outs of Medicare, and whether Life or Long-Term Care are needed as a part of your Retirement Plan.
Retirement Understood is hosting upcoming seminars to assist those who may benefit from a better understanding of Medicare. Call to reserve your spot today at 262-346-5776.


Horicon Bank


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