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West Bend

REAL ESTATE | 2 more days until Green Dog Market opens at 237 N. Main Street in West Bend, WI

West Bend, WI – Green Dog Market, 237 N. Main Street, is opening its doors in downtown West Bend, WI and neighbors are in for a delightful, traditional shopping experience. “I want it to be unique experience for them. I want to be their local grocer,” said owner Stefanie Ulma.


Ulma, who lives in West Bend, felt the community needed a store like this.

“I want to create an organic market that is not just about the food,” she said. “It’s about connecting and inspiring an entire community. When we know better, we do better; let’s do better together.”


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The selection at Green Dog Market is fresh with some vintage flair and the selection leans heavily organic. Ulma strongly follows the guidelines “you are what you eat.”  That includes what you feed your pet and she will have plenty of healthy items in stock for animals as well.

The makeup of the store has an old-school grocery feel. Blonde hardwood floor, decorative high shelves, kitschy products that have a 1960’s design, and a rolling ladder behind the counter to help reach items higher up.


Atop the black shelves on the back bar are large black block letters that spell out Green Dog Market; one of the E’s is noticeably tilted. “That’s intentional,” said Ulma. “Everyone starts their journey in a different place and it’s not going to be perfect.

Cast Iron Luxury Living

“This past year I’ve learned so much – I found myself saying ‘I didn’t know that’ and I feel obligated to share with people what I’ve learned on my journey towards a healthier life. This store is a representation of that.”

Ulma’s journey has been through many phases from a public school teacher to restaurant owner and now local grocer. The store has carried a bit of flavor over from The Grasshopper, Ulma’s former restaurant.

Tucked in the back by a cozy leather couch is a framed black-and-white photo of 1950’s British actress Audrey Hepburn – she is someone Ulma admires for her genuine kindness and humanitarian legacy. It is a model which Ulma embraces in her store.

A portion of her web page reads:

Green Dog Market is more than just a grocery store. It is an experience you will want to repeat daily. …Having a store built around integrity and trust is most important to me. Come in and let me know what I can do to be your grocer.


Some of the simple things that will make Green Dog Market standout downtown will be the wicker baskets full of fresh fruits and vegetables. There will be freezers of locally produced meat and a special freezer with paddle ice cream from Honey Grove, a familiar vendor at the Farmers’ Market.

Ulma will also serve homemade salads and sandwiches. “I’m going to try to keep my sandwiches as original as I did at the restaurant,” she said.

“I want this to be unique experience for people; I want to be their local grocer. I am hoping they let me know what I don’t have, what I can get for them that type of thing.”

Soft opening Friday, January 19, 2024.


Green Dog Market will be open Monday through Friday 10 a.m. – 5:30 p.m. and Saturday from 10:30 a.m. – 2:30 p.m. Click HERE for a list of vendors.


  1. Well done. The report and description is impressive. I hope it is successful for Stephanie. This has been talked about in the past. I am very happy it has come to life. West Bend just had to be patient.
    Good luck Stephanie.

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