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West Bend

Ray Kuharske completes Eagle Scout bench project at Wellington Place

Washington County, Co. – Raymond Kuharske, a Junior at Hartford Union High School just completed his Bay Lakes Council Eagle Scout project at Wellington Place at Hartford, 615 Hilldale Dr. Kuharske made three Aldo Leopold benches and put in a walking path around their pond for the community to enjoy.



The walking path is 6 feet wide and 840 feet long. Ray and his team cut out the sod, rolled it, hauled it to the curb, laid landscaping fabric, spread 33 tons of gravel, and installed a handrail over the culvert.

Ray Kuharske; FB photo

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The bench is named after Aldo Leopold (1887-1948) who is considered the father of wildlife ecology and a true Wisconsin hero. He was a renowned scientist and scholar, exceptional teacher, philosopher, and gifted writer. It is for his book, A Sand County Almanac, that Leopold is best known by millions of people around the globe.

“At 3:30 a.m., with such dignity as I can muster of a July morning, I step from my cabin door, bearing in either hand my emblems of sovereignty, a coffee pot and notebook. I seat myself on a bench, facing the white wake of the morning star. I set the pot beside me. I extract a cup from my shirt front, hoping none will notice its informal mode of transport. I get out my watch, pour coffee, and lay notebook on knee,” writes Aldo Leopold in the classic book, A Sand County Almanac. 

It was here, on his bench, that Leopold often observed the birds, forest and wildlife around him. At first glance, the bench design is indistinguishable from most other benches. But this model holds a functional usefulness not readily apparent. By sitting backwards with legs through the opening, the backrest now provides a sturdy support for the elbows while using binoculars or cameras to observe nature around you.

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