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West Bend

Ramthun family from Hickory View Farms joins national beef e-commerce company

July 26, 2021 – WEST BEND, WI – The Ramthun family from Hickory View Farms, 7555 Forest View Road, in West Bend, WI is now a new owner/supplier to the BetterFed Beef company.


A three-generation farm started by Ken and his wife Carol in 1974. Sons Tim and Tom were two of the Ramthun’s six kids who wanted to stay on the farm and raise their families.

“Farming allows us to be immersed in the beauty of God’s creation every single day and allows us an opportunity to produce products that will fill so many needs.” The Ramthuns

Now the Ramthun family is one of 17 Producer-Owner families raising cattle for BetterFed Beef, an e-commerce, direct-to-consumer beef retailer selling Midwest born and raised beef to consumers across the United States.

“BetterFed Beef will help us get some recognition for the great beef we raise and it also provides us a chance to be part of the new trend of people ordering food online,” said Ken.

Click HERE to read more about the Ramthun family and its farming history.

For the Ramthun family, becoming an owner illustrates much more than a possible financial benefit.

“The high-quality beef we work hard every day to produce will now be available to any home across the country who wants to enjoy it, and that they’re going to purchase it knowing the family’s behind it,” said Tim. “It brings us real satisfaction knowing our beef is being enjoyed. As a cattle producer, this is everything we could ask for.”

The e-commerce website, BetterFedBeef.com, allows consumers to shop for beef by the cut or by specially curated boxes. Once purchased, the beef is mailed directly to the customer’s home, packaged in dry ice.

“The Midwest has some of the absolute best beef in the entire world and our vision is to bring the most consistently flavorful and tender beef to households across America,” said Max Winders, co-founder of BetterFed Beef. “We want to accomplish this mission by connecting the best cattle producers, who are raising the best cattle, directly with consumers. More and more, consumers want to know where their food comes from and how it was grown and raised. We’re excited to be able to provide that direct connection between producers and consumers.”

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