July 15, 2021 – Washington Co., WI – Two rounds of storms/rain passed through Washington County on Wednesday and into Thursday morning.
The photo below by Carrie Roethle was captured near Iron Ridge. How much rain did you receive. Be sure to give your location as well as precipitation total.
Waukesha County has the most power outages on Thursday morning followed by Fond du Lac County.
A half dozen calls of trees down blocking roadways came in throughout Washington County. The local townships responded and removed the trees without incident.

Darlyn D Daltonbarely 3/4″ from yesterday to this morning, Trenton, North of airport
- Nicole GutermannNear city hall, my rain gauge was at an inch (includes earlier afternoon “storm” and the rain overnight)Nicole GaynorAbout 1.3″ near Holy Hill between yesterday afternoon and this morning.Debra WolfSlinger 1.14″Sheila Deeler CashionCool pic Carrie!Terry PaulWest Bend (West Side) .60″
Ruth MarksHalf an inch, west of Big Cedar Lake on top of the Great Divide.Jim Freiburger.85 inches in GermantownHeather FlowerAwesome photo….Nancy SchaeferCool pic!Frank Frase1/2 per my rain gauge, city of West BendAnita Lynch-Cooper3/4 inch on rain gauge sw west bend.
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Germantown rainfall…three inches at our place