26 F
West Bend

VIDEO | Chime in with your rainfall totals across Washington County

June 18, 2021 – Washington Co., WI – If you see standing water on the road or in a low grassy area that is what’s known as a puddle. It is pronounced pud·​dlepuhd-l) and the verb puddling is to “to dabble or wade around in a puddle.”
Neighbors and especially farmers across Washington County are cheering the rain and strong storms that passed through the area Thursday night. It’s been extremely dry.  Chime in with your rainfall total.

We have a call out to Ed Dommisse for his official rainfall stats. This story will be updated when information becomes available.

rainfall windmill

The forecast for today: Breezy and very warm with sun and some clouds and a high of 89.

On tap tonight, Friday, June 18, is the BierGarten at Regner Park in West Bend.

This Sunday, June 20, 2021 is the first day of summer.

Lake Lenwood


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