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West Bend

Putting a new spin on Easter traditions | By Amelia Neuwirth

April 11, 2020- Jackson, WI- As many people are stuck at home, unable to visit extended family members or attend church, many Easter traditions seem impossible. While this Easter is unlike any other, these creative kids are finding unique ways to celebrate.

Evan, 9, and Ryan Kusta, 9, and Estella Kaye, 4, of Slinger, plan on having an Easter egg hunt and sack race outside so their grandparents can watch through the window. If the weather is bad, they will have an indoor virtual egg hunt.

Bernadette, 7, Marian, 5, Daniel, 3, and Raymond Brady, 1, from Jackson, will dye Easter eggs and hunt for them. They will also watch a church service and have a Easter brunch with eggs, sweet rolls, and Easter candy.

Easter Basket

Grace Biermann, 17, from West Bend said, “My family is probably going to have a nice Easter breakfast together and then watch the Easter church service on TV. We might also watch some home videos of the rest of the distant family since we can’t celebrate together like we normally do. It’s going to be difficult and very different, but we’ll make do!”

Jacob, 15, Will, 13, Zach, 10, and Abby Kesting, 17, from Neosho said, “Even though Easter will be different this year, we will still watch church and enjoy an Easter egg hunt around our house. We will be eating Dairy Queen cake and egg bakes for my mom’s birthday as well.”

Kesting Family Easter

Photo Courtesy Samantha Kesting

Megan Himm, 17, from Germantown said, ‘While I won’t be gathering with my extended family for our typical meal, I will still be celebrating with my immediate family. We will be watching the live stream of our church service and still have a nice meal. We have also brought our Easter decorations out.”

Megan Himm with Easter decorations

Photo Courtesy Megan Himm

Bekah White, 17, from Milwaukee said, “My family will probably eat breakfast together and then watch the Easter service. My parents are going to hide our Easter baskets as usual and we will barter with each other for the candy we like best. One of my sisters is away at college so if she doesn’t come home, we will send her a care package with all of her favorite sweets. We will also call some family members to wish them a happy Easter.

Dairy Queen Cake

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