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West Bend

Pupa forms for black swallowtail butterfly

June 28, 2020 – West Bend, WI – Summer science is underway as a recently discovered caterpillar on the Eisenbahn State Trail has morphed into a pupa.

The transition took a couple days. The caterpillar was pretty meaty and looked ready to make the change.

Swallowtail pupa

Over the next 2 to 3 weeks a transformation will occur inside the chrysalis. It’s interesting to note the transformation of a  pupa does not appear complete as the black spots and lines on the body of the caterpillar are still visible through its translucent covering.

swallowtail caterpillarswallowtail pupa

According to Bob Moul’s gallery this appears to be a black swallowtail.  Click HERE for more.  Stay tuned.

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