27.4 F
West Bend

VIDEO | St. Frances Cabrini old-fashioned field trip to the pumpkin patch

October 27, 2020 – West Bend, WI – The temps were a little chilly Tuesday morning but the kids at St. Frances Cabrini School were dressed for the weather and a traditional field trip.

Mittens, check. Knit hat, check. Pillowcase, check. And off went Mrs. Pat Kraemer’s kindergarten class with little red wagon in tow to the pseudo pumpkin patch in the grassy area next to the old Cabrini convent….. and ooooooh were the kids excited!

“Oh my goodness… look at all these pumpkins,” said Mrs. Kraemer.

The kids sloshed through leaves to find the perfect pumpkin. They were all of a pretty managable size and a treasured score.


Halloween on Indian Lore donated the pumpkins for the event which included K3, K4 and K5 classes.

“The kids are pretty excited, which is good,” said Principal William Waech.


Horicon Bank

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