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Public hearing in Germantown at 3 p.m. for proposed 83% increase in water rates

September 9, 2021 – Germantown, WI – The Germantown Water Utility has filed an application with the Public Service Commission of Wisconsin (PSCW) to increase water rates and there’s a public hearing from 3 p.m. – 4 p.m. this afternoon, Thursday, September 9, 2021.

The increase is necessary due to a 247.40 percent increase in gross plant investment and a 39.77 percent increase in operating expenses since the last water rate case was completed in 2010.

Click HERE to review the Village of Germantown’s application to the Public Service Commission

If the request is granted, the increase in water rates will be implemented in two steps. The
increase in Step I is estimated to be $1,154,066. The Step II increase of the remaining $256,944 would be implemented when the Utility notifies the Commission that the elevated tank and booster station authorized in docket 2210-CW-109 have been completed and placed in service.

Therefore, the overall increase is $1,411,099, or 65.99%.

If the request is granted, the water bill for an average residential customer with a ⅝-inch or ¾-inch meter who uses 12,000 gallons of water per quarter will increase from $42.75 to $71.28, or 66.7% including the public fire protection (PFP) charge, in Step I. Bills for the same customer will increase from $71.28 to $78.27, or 9.81%, including the PFP charge, in Step II.

Click HERE for the article about Richfield discussing a water agreement with Germantown

Therefore, the customers overall bill will rise approximately 83.09%, including the PFP charge, after Step II has been implemented. The increases in Step I and Step II also include the Utility’s request to switch to a combination of municipal and direct PFP charges on customer water bills.

An audiovisual public hearing on the application has been scheduled for Thursday, September 9, 2021, at 3 p.m. This hearing has no physical location; however, the Village Hall Board Room at N112W17001 Mequon Road will be available for the hearing on Thursday, September 9, 2021, at 3 p.m.

Parties and Commission staff appear by audiovisual connection over the internet. Parties and Commission staff may use the audio-only telephone connection as a backup, or if no practicable internet connection exists.

Members of the public attend by audiovisual connection over the internet, or by audio-only telephone connection.
Join by audiovisual connection at: https://us02web.zoom.us/my/pschearings
To join by telephone:
1. Dial: +1 312 626 6799
2. Enter: 809 513 2930 # (Meeting ID)

Each participant shall provide their name, and status as either a party representative, Commission staff, or a member of the public. Each participant using the internet connection shall provide this information in the “Join Meeting” dialog screen, or by renaming the participant’s screenname after gaining admittance to the hearing. Each person connecting by telephone shall provide this information immediately after gaining admittance to the hearing.

Upon connecting to the hearing, each participant will enter a waiting room and await admittance to the hearing. Before commencing the hearing, the ALJ will admit each participant who connected before the designated start time. The ALJ will admit each participant who connects after the hearing begins at the earliest opportunity that does not disrupt the hearing.

Each member of the public shall remain muted until the ALJ invites that person to comment.

The Commission will livestream the audio of this hearing on its website. The livestream allows anyone to listen to the hearing without connecting to it as described above. To access the livestream, go to the Commission’s website at http://psc.wi.gov, and select “Live Broadcast” button.

The live broadcast webpage provides neither: 1) an opportunity to make a comment, nor
2) closed captioning.

A person may testify in this proceeding without becoming a party and without attorney
representation. A person may submit this testimony in only one of the following ways:
• Web Comment. File a comment on the internet. Go to the Commission’s web site at
http://psc.wi.gov, click on “File a Comment”. On the next page select the “File a
comment” link that appears for docket number 2210-WR-106. Web comments shall
be received no later than Monday, September 13, 2021.

• Oral Comment. Speak over the telephone during the public session. The
Administrative Law Judge may receive an oral comment from any member of the
public in attendance after the close of any party and Commission staff testimony.
The Administrative Law Judge will receive an oral comment by unmuting each phone
connection one at a time and inquiring into the each caller’s desire to comment.

• Mail Comment. Send a comment by U.S. Mail. All comments submitted by U.S.
Mail shall be received no later than Monday, September 13, 2021 and shall be
addressed to: Attn: Docket 2210-WR-106 Comments, Public Service Commission,
P.O. Box 7854, Madison, WI 53707-7854.

All documents in this docket are filed on the Commission’s Electronic Records Filing (ERF)
system. To view these documents: (1) go to the Commission’s E-Services Portal at
http://apps.psc.wi.gov, (2) enter “2210-WR-106” in the box labeled “Quick Single Docket
Search,” and (3) select “Documents.”

If you have any questions, please contact Germantown Water Utility at (262) 250-4703.

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