38.1 F
West Bend

Property tax bills for neighbors in Washington County available online


Dec. 1, 2018 – Washington Co., WI – If you just can’t wait to get your property tax bill in the mail next week you can check it online. Click HERE to get to the statement or follow the steps below.

Property tax statements available

Log onto the Washington County website and click down to ‘Tax Information’ and scroll down to ‘Washington County Tax Inquiry Program‘ type in your last name and most communities in Washington County can get your statement now.

Once you’re at the page ‘Ascent Land Records Suite’ drop to the middle of the page and by the words in red Select Detail – – scroll down in the box and enter Taxes.

Your tax history will pop up.

In the middle of the page the small type labeled       Print tax bills:   click 2018 for your current bill  

The county clerk said West Bend property taxes are available along with some of the towns. All data should be entered by next week.

Paper statements were at the clerk’s office on Friday, Nov. 30.  Those still have to be processed and would probably go out in the mail Monday or Tuesday.

The lottery-tax credit for this year is $135.51 which is a bit more than last year, $97.

The first-dollar credit is $55.80, which is a smidge more than last year, $55.43.


How did your taxes end up… compared to last year??

Remember, West Bend had a revaluation this year so your total assessed value was up from 2017.



Graphic courtesy sayanthingblog.com

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