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Power outage update from Washington Co. Sheriff

August 12, 2021 – Washington Co., WI – As we are all aware, Washington iCounty experienced a round of severe weather last evening and there is the potential for more on the way. During last evening, Washington County citizens experienced widespread power outages and we are thankful for tireless efforts of We Energies to restore power to affected residents.

When these types of weather events occur, local police and fire departments are often busy handling all sorts of emergencies. Please remember that 911 should only be used for emergencies that require an immediate public safety response. We do not dispatch for utility companies. These types of reports can be made directly to We Energies at 1-800-662-4797. Outages can also be reported online using the below link:


Last evening, during the weather event, our dispatch answered 228 phone calls. Many of these were to report power outages that were not true emergencies. We want to make certain that citizens experiencing true life safety events can reach emergency services as quickly as possible.

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