52.4 F
West Bend

Postcard details reopening of St. Frances Cabrini School and Holy Angels School

West Bend, WI – Families whose children are enrolled at St. Frances Cabrini School and Holy Angels School are receiving postcards in the mail detailing in-person classes starting August 31, 2020.

“We will be open for 5 day in-person instruction,” said St. Frances Cabrini Principal William Wach.  “Most parents, after reading the DPI scenarios, think we will only be in for 4 days a week and one day virtual.  We will not be doing that.  We will be open for 5 days in-person.”

Catholic Schools comeback


As this past school year ended teachers from St. Frances Cabrini visited the homes of K4 students in an effort to stay connected.

St. Frances Cabrini and Holy Angels School

Horicon Bank
Horicon Bank

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