46.1 F
West Bend

Please add Bob Pick Jr. to your prayer chain


Feb. 16, 2018 – West Bend, WI – A special request today for neighbors in West Bend and across Washington County to please add Bob Pick Jr. to your prayer chain.

Bob is currently under a doctor’s care at a Milwaukee-area hospital.


Bob is part of the fabric of the community. In 2017 he was inducted into the West Bend Baseball Association Wall of Fame and recognized for his dedication to meticulous score keeping for over 50 years.

“Good evening friends of baseball. This ride has lasted over half a century and the reason that’s happened is because I’ve lived long enough,” said Pick.

“West Bend is a baseball town,” said Pick. “People have a passion for the sport. I thank the Association for the award and for the friendships that came with it.


  1. Prayers to you, Bob! We will never forget what he once aked us…”how can two such ugly people have such cute kids?” . That is Bob!

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