26 F
West Bend

Pilgrim Lutheran Church to host “Martin Luther on the Psalms” on Saturday, October 7, 2023

West Bend, WIPilgrim Lutheran Church, 462 Meadowbrook Dr, West Bend, will be hosting a seminar “Martin Luther on the Psalms” on Saturday, October 7, 2023, from 8:30 a.m. to 2 p.m.
The keynote speaker for the event is Rev. Dr. Brian German of the Concordia Bible Institute at Concordia University in Mequon, WI.  Rev. Dr. German will be conducting a series of presentations on “Luther on the Psalms.”

German is an Associate Professor of Theology and Director of the Concordia Bible Institute. His main area of research is the history of biblical interpretation.

Brian T. German – Department Chair – Theology, Associate Professor, Concordia Bible Institute | Photo credit: Concordia University

Martin Luther once said, “The Psalter ought to be a precious and beloved book, if for no other reason than this: it promises Christ’s death and resurrection so clearly—and
pictures his kingdom and the condition and nature of all Christendom—that it might well be called a little Bible.”

Come see some of the fascinating ways Luther interpreted this “little Bible” with Dr. Brian German, Chairman of the Theology Department and Director of the Concordia Bible
Institute at Concordia University Wisconsin—Ann Arbor, on Saturday, October 7, from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. at Pilgrim Lutheran Church, West Bend.

Register for this free seminar at 262-334-0375.

A light lunch will be provided.


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