29.2 F
West Bend

Pick ‘n Save north evacuated in West Bend

April 8, 2021 – West Bend, WI – Pick ‘n Save north, 2518 W. Washington Street, in West Bend has been evacuated. The call came in just before 10 a.m.  West Bend police are on scene.

Pick 'n save north

UPDATE: As of 10:56 a.m. some police have left the area but the entrances are still closed to the grocery.

UPDATE: Police have been checking other businesses in the area including the Stockhausen strip mall. Early word is a bomb threat may have been phoned in. So far no evidence of such or injuries.

Fire trucks are blocking off the entrance to the Stockhausen Center. None of the occupants in that strip mall have been evacuated.

The strip mall to the north of the grocery, which includes the military outlets, has also been evacuated.

More information will be posted when details become available.

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