26 F
West Bend

Pedestrian killed in train accident identified | By Detective Lt. Tim Kemps

October 8, 2021 –  Washington Co., WI – Washington County Sheriff Investigators received numerous tips in response to our call for assistance today in identifying the victim of a car versus train accident. One nearby resident captured video of the person believed to be the victim walking in the area a short time before the incident.

A Washington County Sheriff’s Deputy assigned to the Village of Richfield recognized the individual in the picture. Authorities were able to make contact and make preliminary identification. No additional information is being released. The investigation into the incident continues.

We would like to thank our community partners who responded to our call for assistance, which allowed us to identify the victim and notify his loved ones.

Washington County Sheriff Martin Schulteis asks that the community join him in giving their thoughts and prayers to all those affected by this tragedy and respect the family’s privacy.

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