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Paying respect to the U.S. flag: Remember when the flag went missing from Old Settlers’ Park?


Washington Co., WI –  This week as we approach July 4 we’re focusing on the U.S. flag – passing along a little bit of history, some flag etiquette and flag trivia.

In August 2010 the U.S. flag went missing from downtown West Bend. Below is the story that appeared in my Saturday column Around the Bend by Judy Steffes.

It’s like a Nancy Drew mystery “The Case of the Missing Flag” as an American flag donated by American Metal & Paper Recycling to downtown West Bend has been missing in action since July 4.

Lori Lynn-Radloff purchased a heavy-weight 5-foot-by-8-foot flag with embroidered stars and presented it to Steve Rohde, chairman of the Fourth of July Parade Committee.

The flag was raised in June at Settlers Park, located at Sixth Avenue and Main Street.

“I think the flag was definitely up for Memorial Day, but then about a week later I noticed it was gone,” said Lynn-Radloff.

An independent search by Lynn-Radloff proved fruitless.
“I called about it and offered to replace it again if it was stolen, but I have not heard anything,” she said.

Following a couple of tips, the flag was eventually found and picked up at the West Bend Police Department. “We found several flags,” said Lt. Paul Pokorski.

Two flags were claimed by Terry Vrana for the American Legion, the third flag was the one donated by Lynn-Radloff who identified her flag only to find the city Parks Department has now replaced the flag with a new one at Old Settlers Park.

Parks Department staffer Lori Yahr said the donated flag will be kept until another flag in the park needs to be replaced.

On a fun trivia note: Who cut the American flag into pieces and was honored for doing it?

The answer tomorrow….. unless you all get it first.


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