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West Bend

Paul Fischer announces candidacy for West Bend School Board


Dec. 21, 2018 – West Bend, WI – There are two seats up for election April 2, 2019 on the West Bend School Board and on Friday afternoon Paul Fischer threw his hat in the ring.

Today I proudly announce my candidacy for the West Bend School Board.

My wife Sandie and I have enjoyed raising our family in the West Bend community since 1994. We love the quality of life here, and our three daughters have received an outstanding education through the West Bend School District. Our oldest daughter is a first year graduate student in Concordia University’s Physical Therapy program, our middle daughter will complete her Culinary Arts degree from Fox Valley Technical College in May 2019, and our youngest is a junior at West Bend East who is ready to take on the world. Many thanks to all of their teachers, past school boards, and administrative personnel for making all this possible!

I’m excited to step out and offer to serve our community, helping to pay it forward for the next generation of young families. I won’t claim to know everything, and I will seek to understand the issues and concerns of our community as it pertains to providing a quality and fulfilling education for our children.

I look forward to the many conversations to come, and humbly ask for your support as we continue the positive momentum of the West Bend School District.


The deadline to file papers to run for School Board is 5 p.m. Wednesday, Jan. 2, 2019.  Declaration of Candidacy form and a Campaign Registration statement must be completed and can be dropped off at the Education Service Center, 735 S. Main Street, West Bend (across from Badger Middle School).


Board member Ken Schmidt filed non-candidacy papers on Tuesday morning, Dec. 18 which means he will not be running for another term.

School Board members Ken Schmidt and Tiffany Larson are up for re-election.

Larson and Schmidt were both elected to the West Bend School Board in April 2016

To all qualified electors of West Bend Joint School District No. 1: A school board election will be held on Tuesday, April 2, 2019 to fill two at-large seats on the West Bend School Board, each with an expiration date of April 2022.

West Bend School District logo


Please note ESC offices will be closed Dec. 24, 25, 28, and 31 and Jan. 1. A small number of employees will be in the office on Dec. 26 and 27.

If you have any questions, please call 262-335-5435.


Photo courtesy Paul Fischer.

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