36.1 F
West Bend

West Bend to observe Patriot Day on September 11, 2021 | By James Maersch

West Bend, WI – West Bend will  have three observances on Patriot Day.
On Saturday, September 11, the American Legion will hold a wreath laying ceremony at 9 a.m. at the Veterans Plaza with Rev. Clarissa Martinelli as Master of Ceremonies.
Members of the West Bend Police Department and first responders will be laying the wreath.
Veterans Plaza, Patriot
Local churches are encouraged to ring their bells at 8:46 a.m. in remembrance of the innocent victims killed in the attack on 9/11 and for the strength of our nation.
American Legion Veterans plaza
Photo courtesy American Legion Post No. 36
A wreath laying ceremony will also be held at the Veterans Memorial at the American Legion Post, 712 Park Avenue, in West Bend.

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