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Village of Grafton Police issue statement regarding Christmas Parade on Saturday, November 27, 2021

November 22, 2021 – Grafton, WI – There are a couple of Christmas parades on tap in the coming weeks in Washington and neighboring Ozaukee County.

Communities are looking for reassurance as there are some safety concerns in light of the incident in neighboring Waukesha County on Sunday, November 21.

Click HERE for the statement released on the West Bend Christmas parade set for November 28, 2021.

In the Village of Grafton, Police Chief Jeff Caponera issued the statement below regarding its parade Saturday, November27, 2021.

Grafton POlice, parade


  1. As the Waukesha parade tragedy was deeply sad and evil, we cannot allow evil and fear to win. Please keep this parade in honor of the Christmas season continue. God is always ultimately in charge.

  2. I understand the concern for safety of all who attend the community parades but strongly feel what happening Waukesha is an isolated incident. Please don’t penalize the smaller communities by canceling their parades because of one crazy person who lives in Waukesha and is now off the streets for good.

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