Dec. 2, 2018 – Washington Co., WI – Curt Rudy and his wife got up Saturday morning and saw a unique sight out their bedroom window on Silver Lake. “We have high windows and cathedral ceilings and we saw him just sitting out their beautifully,” said Rudy.
“We look to the side and about 10-feet away there was a second one.”
The Rudys’ spotted not one but two bald eagles.
“I did some research and they hang around in pairs, for life, and the only time when they’re together is when they’re mating,” he said. “They mate anywhere from November to January.”

The Rudys’ live on the east side of the lake on Quaas Drive. “We’ve been out here 35 years,” he said. “This fall my neighbor about two doors down said he saw a bald eagle hovering over the lake.”
Rudy said the eagle was in one of their trees.
Fascinated by the eagles, Rudy searched to see if anyone posted about the birds in the past or if there was a nest in the Washington County area.
“I found something that said there was a nest reported in 2016 in Washington County,” said Rudy.
Neighbors in Kewaskum have seen bald eagles. Doug Gonring phoned in a couple months ago that he spotted a bald eagle along Highway 45. Others have seen the majestic bird near Hon-E-Kor Golf Course in Kewaskum.
Click HERE to read a DNR report about bald eagle nest survey in Wisconsin 2017.
We have seen a pair of bald eagles along the Milwaukee River for a couple of weeks prior. Live in a subdivision close to Hwy. M
Weve seen a single eagle over Hasmer lake in Jackson on and off all summer and fall.
Seen a pair of Eagles in a cut corn field off of Hwy 144 and County rd A
I have seen eagles the past three years near the North Branch on Hwy M south of Fillmore and also on the North Branch on Hwy A.
There has been a mating pair at Mauthe Lake in Northern Kettle moraine for about six yrs now.They have used the same nest to raise and fledge their young.Quite majestic to see them soar over the area hunting!
I’ve seen the eagles at Mauthe lake also. This year I’ve seen a pair of loons at the lake. Very cool!!