43.6 F
West Bend

Ozaukee Christian School closes on property purchase in Town of Trenton

July 28, 2019 – Town of Trenton, WI –  Ozaukee Christian School has closed on its property purchase.

“The prayers of God’s people have leveled the mountains before us,” said Ozaukee Christian School administrator Kris Austin.

Ozaukee Christian School

Ozaukee Christian School will open in the Town of Trenton, 1214 Highway 33 across from West Bend Lakes Golf Course.

Ozaukee Christian School describes itself as “offering outstanding, Christ-centered, non-denominational educational opportunities for students from K3 to eighth grade. We are dedicated to academic excellence with a uniquely Christian perspective—one that places Jesus at the center of everything we do and acknowledges the Bible as our ultimate authority.”

The school is opening in the former Spearmint Rhino Gentlemen’s Club.

“The unusual building conversion is an answer to prayer that ends a years-long search for a building to call our own,” said Dave Swartz, OCS Board President. “God has given the leadership of OCS a big vision for growth while providing us what we need for each step of this project.”

Ozaukee Christian Open House

Kris Austin submitted an update on where the school is with regard to opening and registration:


We are currently working really hard on cleaning out the building to prepare it for the fall. Due to time constraints, we have tweaked our original building plans so that we occupy the west portion of the building for this first year. That will allow us to continue working on the remainder of the building for the following year.

We have re-worked our school calendar to accommodate our workers. The first day of school is now Monday, Sept. 16. Our last day of school is one week later, June 5.

Other days throughout the year are now student instructional days as well.

We have enjoyed a warm welcome from the Town of Trenton and West Bend. We are anxious to serve families seeking a non-denominational school option in both Ozaukee and Washington Counties.

We have a K3 – 8th Grade OPEN HOUSE on Tuesday, August 6. Because our building will not be ready for guests yet, Calvary Assembly has graciously offered us the use of its sanctuary that evening.




Community volunteers are always needed in a variety of areas — painting, maintenance, lawn care, playground planning, etc. Please contact our school office at 262.284.6980 or info@ozaukeechristian.org.

Thank you for your help with spreading this exciting news!


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