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Ozaukee Christian School – the value of excellent Christian education | By Janet Swartz

Town of Trenton, WI – Parents send their children to private schools for a safe environment, academic quality and instruction in values. And while 36 percent of U.S. parents would love to send their children to private schools, only 9 percent of American children currently attend private schools, according to EdChoice’s recent “2024 Schooling in America Survey” (Ritter et al., 2024).


The survey found about two thirds of parents believe education is on the “wrong track,” yet 80 percent keep their children in public schools.

Ozaukee Christian School understands choosing your child’s school can include a multitude of microscopic decisions, each as unique and important as your children and family.

But for those who prefer a private school, we want to empower you to make that decision by breaking down a few myths that may be holding you back.

Read on to hear some common myths about Christian schools and why they are completely false.

Myth #1
“Christian schools are only for the wealthy elite.”

The Association for Christian Schools International, of which OCS is a part, has a history of advocating for school choice legislation (Kienel, 2024). With the Wisconsin Parental Choice Program, your family’s neighborhood does not need to dictate where your children will attend school. Families of all backgrounds can unify around faith in our Creator.

Myth #2
“Sending your child to a Christian school is un-American.”

Christian schools have existed in American settlements since 1607. It would be over 200 years before the idea of a state-controlled school came to fruition, still using biblical educational resources (Kienel, 2024). Horace Mann, the figurehead of American public schools said, “Our system earnestly inculcates all Christian morals; it founds its morals based on religion” (Mann, 1848).

But as the system grew, its grounding morals soon lost their footing. While today’s parents long for Christian morals to ground American public schools once again, their children are still in need of a godly upbringing right now.


Myth #3
“Christian schools are not funded well enough to produce effective academic programs.”

Research has shown time and again that exactly the opposite is the case! Students with a private school background consistently outperform public school students in almost every subject, as shown by the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP, 2016). The National Association of Independent Schools found that even when taking the SAT for college entry, private school students excel above and beyond their public school peers (Torres, 2016).

So what are you waiting for? If you are among the two thirds of American parents concerned about the direction that education is heading, the time to act is now! Your child will not get a second chance to grow up in a nurturing environment surrounded by God-honoring teachers.

Step out in faith and make the choice that has always been tugging at your heart. Call us today to set up your visit, or join us on January 21 at 6:30 p.m.; we have been waiting to welcome you into the OCS family.


Ritter, C., Aldis, A., Kristof, J., & DiPerna, P. (2024, August). 2024 schooling in America | edchoice. EdChoice. https://www.edchoice.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/08/2024-Schooling-in-America.pdf

Kienel, P. A. (2024, August). Shattering a Few Myths About Christian Schools. ACSI.

Mann, H. “Twelfth Annual Report of the Massachusetts State School Board,” (1848) in The American Nation: Primary Sources (ed. Bruce Frohnen; Indianapolis, IN: Liberty Fund, 2008), p. 248.

National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP). (2016). NAEP dashboards – schools. The Nation’s Report Card. https://www.nationsreportcard.gov/dashboards/schools_dashboard.aspx

Torres, A. (2016, Spring). Independent Schools and the SAT. NAIS. https://www.nais.org/magazine/independent-school/spring-2016/independent-schools-and-the-sat/

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