43.8 F
West Bend

Outdoor Candy Cane Hunt at St. Andrew Lutheran Church | By Katie Vierkant

West Bend, WI – St. Andrew Lutheran Church, 7750 State Hwy 144, in West Bend will hold its first outdoor Candy Cane Hunt on Friday, December 11, 2020 from 6 p.m. – 8 p.m.

Attendees will be invited to visit stations throughout the church’s property to learn what the different aspects of the candy cane teach us about Jesus. At each station, children will be invited to find hidden candy canes.

candy cane hunt

St. Andrew Early Childhood Campus will present a live nativity program at 6 p.m. Cookies, sweets, and hot cocoa will be served.

Wagon rides will be offered weather-permitting, and live sheep will be present.

Live music will be provided starting at 6:30 p.m. by the West Bend Christmas Brass.

Because the event is outside, attendees are encouraged to dress for the weather and bring flashlights to use along the trails between stations.


The event will run continuously, so attendees may arrive when convenient during that time.  In the event of heavy rain, the candy cane hunt will be rescheduled for Saturday, December 12.

If you have any further questions, please contact Katie Vierkant at kevierkant@yahoo.com or via the church office at (262) 335-4200.

Dairy Queen Cake

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