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West Bend

Drive-thru Ash Wednesday Ashes at Our Savior’s Lutheran

West Bend, WI – Our Savior’s Lutheran Church in West Bend is looking for a way to share its ancient faith practice with the community, serve the community, and provide hospitality to the community in a creative, safe, and engaging way this winter.

ashes, our, savior's lutheran

The church, which has been a fixture of faith in West Bend for over 50 years, welcomes everyone—regardless of their faith tradition, or no tradition—to drive through the day of Ash Wednesday, and join the church in observing the First Day of Lent, 2021.

Our Savior’s is rising to meet the need of growing hunger and despair in West Bend and the surrounding area. In partnership with the Full Shelf Food Pantry, the church asks everyone who attends to bring one or more boxes of cereal, a much-requested item at Full Shelf. In December of 2020, the pantry received one of their largest food donations from Our Savior’s.

For those who desire ashes, contact-less delivery will be provided. Church volunteers are preparing individual ashes containers. They will be handed over by gloved and masked worship leaders, Pastor Daniel Tallon Ruen and Deacon Sherie Kruse. They will stay a safe distance from each visitor as they administer the words of Ash Wednesday (“Remember that you are dust, and to dust you shall return”).

But this event is for everyone, so if a car pulls up and ashes are not desired, the worship leaders will offer a spirited “Hello, Thank You, and God Bless You!’ All attendees may then drop off their cereal box donation and head over to the church garage for some hot coffee or cocoa.  

Deacon Sherie Kruse, a servant-leader for 25 years at Our Savior’s said, “A cross of ashes on our forehead reminds us we can’t get to the joy of Easter morning without remembering we’re the sinners Jesus gave His life for.”

“The beginning of Lent is not just a day to get ashes on one’s forehead,” says Pastor Daniel Tallon Ruen. “It marks a day of amplified service to the poor and to one another. By observing the ritual of the imposition of ashes, and by welcoming everyone to this event, Christian and non-Christian alike, we invoke Jesus’ call for doubling-down on our call to discipleship in order to provide hope, to communicate the Gospel, and to serve all people as a cooperative community. Join us! All are welcome.”

When:             Wednesday, February 17, 2021

Two Options for Drive-Thru: 8:30 – 10 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. – 6 p.m.

Where:            Our Savior’s Lutheran Church

1044 S Silverbrook Dr, West Bend, WI

            (Please enter the parking lot off of Hawthorn Dr)

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