43.3 F
West Bend

Subway in Allenton wants to give an organization in your school $500 

Allenton, WI – Danny and Amanda Frey, residents and owners of Subway in Allenton, want to help a lucky winner to fund an organization within their school.

Subway school

“We want to give someone a chance to not only help their school but an organization specifically within their school,” said Amanda.

There is no purchase necessary to participate in this. Simply stop by Subway in Allenton and look for the humungous glass jar of bubble gum.  There will be forms located next to the jar for you to guess how many pieces of gum are in the jar.

You are allowed one entry per visit.  At the end of business on October 31, 2021 the contest officially end.

Whomever is closest to the correct number whether over or under wins. At that time the winner gets to:

  1. Choose an active organization recognized within their school to have Danny and Amanda donate $500 on behalf of the winner
  2. The winner gets to keep all the bubble gum

In case of a tie winnings will be divided equally. “If by chance this does happen, there will still be plenty of bubble to go around and enjoy,” said Danny.

Spread the word and help one lucky organization put some much-needed dollars into their account to help our kids continue to grow.

Any questions please contact Subway in Allenton at 262-629-4090.

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