51.2 F
West Bend

Open Mic is March 3, 2021 at The Columbian

West Bend, WI – The Columbian welcomes all musicians to Open Mic on March 3.
Sign up is at 6 p.m. and music begins at 7 p.m. The venue is designed for musicians to showcase their talent.

Open Mic

The public is invited to come listen to a great night of music.

The bar is open at 6 p.m., so come on have your favorite beverage before music begins.

Brats and chips will be offered as a free-will offering.

The KC’s will have a cash raffle.

The Columbian is located one mile north of West Bend, Wisconsin, take HWY 45 north to Hwy D east, and then first left to 3245  Lighthouse Lane.

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